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Who Needs To Wear A Medical ID?

Wearing a medical ID bracelet is important because it provides critical information about a person's health in emergency situations. A medical ID bracelet can save a person's life by alerting first responders to the following information:

  • Medical conditions: Information about any medical conditions such as allergies, heart disease, diabetes, etc.
  • Medications: Information about the medications a person is taking, including dosage and frequency.
  • Emergency contacts: Information about the person's emergency contacts and next of kin.
  • Blood type: Information about the person's blood type, which can be critical in an emergency situation.
  • Other important information: Additional information about the person's health history or treatment plans that can be important in an emergency.
Medical IDs are recommended by the CDC

In an emergency situation, time is of the essence, and a medical ID bracelet can quickly provide first responders with the information they need to make informed decisions and provide appropriate care.It can also provide peace of mind for the person wearing the bracelet and their loved ones, knowing that important health information is readily available in case of an emergency.

You need medical alert jewelry if:

  • You have a condition that might cause a medical emergency, and/or
  • You have a condition medical professionals need to know about in an emergency, and/or
  • You are a caregiver for someone with one or both of the above.

Medical identification jewelry is designed to speak for you when you cannot. If you’ve been diagnosed with a chronic condition, have food or drug allergies, or take medications, then you should wear a medical ID. Any of the following conditions may alter the treatment you might normally receive.

There’s a reason why the American Diabetes Association recommends people wear diabetes medical alert bracelets and necklaces at all times: Diabetic emergencies can happen anywhere and in an instant. Wearing custom-engraved diabetes medical alert jewelry helps first responders quickly identify and treat a diabetic emergency, such as unsafe blood sugar levels.

Wondering whether you should wear a medical alert bracelet for blood thinners or a heart condition? Whether you’re looking for a heart stent alert, a pacemaker bracelet, or any other kind of medical bracelets for heart patients, we’re here to help you determine what to engrave on medical alert bracelets for heart conditions and which type of medical ID is right for you.

Wearing an epilepsy medical alert bracelet, sometimes called a seizure alert bracelet, is a great way to share your key medical information with good samaritans and first responders alike in the event of a seizure. Use your custom epilepsy bracelet or seizure necklace to identify yourself, list your specific diagnosis and medications, and provide care instructions.

Allergies are serious medical conditions. Whether it’s a food allergy, drug allergy, or latex allergy, medical alert jewelry helps EMTs know what you’re allergic to so they can both treat and avoid allergic reactions. Over 98% of the more than 100 first responders we surveyed* recommended wearing an allergy medical alert bracelet. Whether you need a penicillin allergy bracelet or a peanut allergy bracelet, custom-engraved food and medical allergy bracelets are for you!

Medical bracelets. For breast cancer patients and survivors, wearing a lymphedema alert bracelet is imperative. If lymph nodes are damaged or removed during treatment, trauma to the affected side can trigger lymphedema. Medical alert bracelets can help. Also called a limb alert bracelet, a lymphedema bracelet is usually engraved to indicate: a history of breast cancer; no BP, IV, Needles; and which arm is impacted. Learn more below.

Medical ID bracelet and necklace engravings should alert EMTs to your surgery type and note whether you are able to have a Blind NG Tube. Gastric sleeve and bypass patients may be at risk for serious complications from intubation, which makes weight loss surgery medical alert jewelry essential.

As with people who are on anticoagulants and antiplatelet drugs (blood thinners) medical alert jewelry is extremely important for people with blood disorders and bleeding disorders. For instance, an anemia bracelet or hemophilia bracelet helps EMTs know that, in the event of a trauma, you need to be monitored for internal bleeding. Learn more here.

People with cognitive impairments and developmental disabilities benefit from ID bracelets for special needs. For instance, an autism medical alert bracelet can help first responders know when a person’s nonverbal status is his or her baseline. For someone who has experienced a traumatic brain injury, TBI, medical alert bracelets or necklaces can help in an emergency assessment.

For conditions such as Tourette Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis, and Parkinson’s Disease, bracelets and medical alert necklaces are helpful for communicating a person’s medications and diagnoses. For people with memory impairment, dementia, or Alzheimer’s, medical bracelets offer peace of mind that loved ones can be contacted quickly in an emergency.

For those with chronic medical conditions, medical alert jewelry is vital. A medical alert bracelet for Adrenal Insufficiency helps EMTs know what treatment you need. A Celiac medical bracelet can save time in an emergency. Learn more here about medical ID jewelry for Asthma, Hearing or Vision Impairments, COPD, Cystic Fibrosis, and many other chronic conditions.

Chronic Medical Conditions

Adrenal Insufficiency


Kidney Failure


Celiac Disease

Hearing Impairment


Cystic Fibrosis

Cerebral Palsy

Rare Diseases

Vision Impairment


EMTs and other first responders need to know about conditions or histories that cause medical emergencies and those that impact treatment. For instance, if you are on multiple medications or have an implanted device, medical alert jewelry can help medical professionals tailor your treatment appropriately.

Everyone knows someone. Who do you know?

ICE Medical Alerts For Caregivers and Athletes

Even if you have no personal need of a medical ID necklace or bracelet, wearing one as an ICE ID is always a good idea. ICE IDs (In Case of Emergency) are a great way to communicate key information about the person(s) in your charge when you are unable to advocate for them yourself.

*In 2020, Lauren’s Hope conducted a non-incentivized, independent survey of more than 100 EMTs, paramedics, and other medical first responders. Read the Lauren's Hope 2020 First Responders Survey.

**More than 80% of respondents agreed with the statement, “Custom-engraved medical IDs are the most effective form of medical ID jewelry.”

***More than 98% of respondents indicated that it is important to wear a medical ID that lists food and drug allergies.