Customer Care

Contact Us

Need Help? You’ll find fast, easy answers to our most frequently asked questions below. We’re always glad to help.

For unshipped orders made within the last business day, you can request changes to your size, engraving, or shipping information by messaging us on the Contact Us form below. We will reply as soon as possible, during business hours (Mon-Fri, 8a-4:30p, US Central time).

Check the status of your order by entering your order number (listed on your order confirmation email) and the email address associated with your order on the Order Tracking page. If you do not have your order number, please use the Contact Us form below for tracking assistance.

If your bracelet does not fit properly or you wish to exchange it, please see our Resize/Exchange page for our Resize and Exchange policies and instructions.

If you are in need of Jeweler Services in or outside of Warranty, please visit our Resize/Repair/Exchange page for policies and instructions.

If you are having trouble placing an order, please use the Contact Us form below to tell us what you’re experiencing. If possible, please include the type of device (eg: iPhone, desktop computer) and browser (eg: Chrome, Firefox, Safari) you are using. This may help us better serve you.

Please use the Contact Us form below and include your name, email address you listed on the order, and the name of the product(s) you attempted to order so we may look this up for you.

Please use the Contact Us form below and include your name, email address, shipping address, and the date of purchase so that we may assist you.

If you wish to unsubscribe from Lauren's Hope emails, please use our Unsubscribe page.To adjust your email preferences, please use our Email Preferences.

Here are some of the most commonly asked product questions:

How do I know what size to order?

Which medical ID is right for me?

One-Year Warranty

Your Lauren's Hope Medical ID comes with a free one year warranty.

Customer Care

Our Kansas City-based team of Customer Care Specialists are here to help.

Attention to Detail

There is only one YOU, so we size, engrave, and check every ID.